Focus on the important things that truly matter. These words sound so simple and so appropriate, especially at this busy time of year and in this increasingly crazy world we live in. But they are words we can all live by. To maintain your focus on what truly matters, keep these tips in mind:

Have realistic expectations of your time and energy, and of those around you.

Decide which activities are important to you and your family members. Families are dynamic and interests change over time. Honor activities that are important to you!

Start each day and each week with a plan. There are only so many hours in a day. Think through the upcoming week and decide how you will most effectively spend your time. Make lists and use them!

Think through your menu for meals you will prepare at home this week. This can be a great way to reduce your stress! Again, make a list of what you need, pick them up when you are out, and feel the difference having a planned menu can make. And mealtime is a great time to connect with other family members.

Keep clutter under control. Clutter is a psychological burden that drains our energy. Clearing clutter will boost your energy and help you focused on the important things that truly matter.

Focus on finishing what needs to be completed first. Sometimes this feels more difficult or less interesting than starting something new. But those unfinished tasks can be a burden and drain our energy.

Ask family members to pitch in and help out around the house. You don’t have to do it all, even if you have in the past!

Be conscious of how you spend your time. In this technological age, ever-increasing distractions are all around us. Find ways to truly connect with others every day.

Take time each day to reflect upon the good things in your life and to be grateful for what you have. And think about what truly matters.

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