by Laurie Neumann | Jan 4, 2016 | Commercial Organization, Decluttering, Home Organization, Office Organizing, Organizing Paper, Photo Organizing
Are you afraid to let go of things? Fear can really hold you back from letting go of your clutter. Click the play button below to listen as I discuss how to get relief from clutter during an interview on the Organize Mindfully podcast. In this 30 minute audio, you...
by Laurie Neumann | Feb 26, 2015 | Decluttering, Home Organization, Kids, Resale
Do your kids outgrow their clothes before they wear them out? Looking for a way to clean out closets and make money too? Not a fan of garage sales, I’ve discovered an easy way to sell kids’ outgrown clothes online. I’d like to share how to sell your unneeded items on...
by Laurie Neumann | Jan 14, 2015 | Commercial Organization, Decluttering, Home Organization, Office Organizing, Organizing Paper
Think you are too busy to clean off your desk? Think again. A messy desk makes it harder to be productive. costing you time, money, and business. Here are some easy ways to clean off your desk even when you’re busy. Much of what’s on your desk are...
by Laurie Neumann | Apr 28, 2014 | Decluttering, Garage Organization, Home Organization, Office Organizing, Photo Organizing, Unpacking
April has been a special month for me because it marks the three-year anniversary of The Innovative Organizer, LLC. Since 2011, I have been helping homeowners and small businesses simplify and reduce stress by cutting the clutter in their lives. Thank you to all of...
by Laurie Neumann | Nov 19, 2013 | Home Organization, Office Organizing, Organizing Paper
Have you ever been frustrated trying to find an essential document of yours when you needed it? Where are your spouse’s or your parent’s important documents? If you had to evacuate your home and grab what you can, do you know where your essential documents...